


Summer has been pretty awesome actually. I was expecting some major stress from having all the kids home, all together, all the time, but it's been really good. Not good for the fast food budget or my housekeeping aspirations, but good for our family, especially me. This summer has given us a much needed break from all the pressures that I didn't realize were bogging us down--extra curricular activities, adoption stuff, Simon's therapy--we've just had less of everything and it's been awesome. We weren't in our new house last summer quite yet, so It's been fun to explore all the summer things there are to do in our new neighborhood and city. (and by that I basically mean that it's been fun to scope out and try every snow cone stand within a five mile radius. What is my deal!?)

Eating snow cones--look who's sharing! 

Also, it was my birthday this last month and I turned 31. For a special gift to me Taylor refinished a bench that we found in our shed when we moved to our new house. He let these kids help him after Simon went to bed. I think I like this picture and the bench the same amount. Both were really good birthday presents.

We also went on a date for my birthday to a magic show in Salt Lake City. I love this man.

And one of our favorite summertime things to do--the Lehi Roundup Rodeo. It was Simon's first time and he was unsure of how excited he was to be there, which made him extra cuddly, which was okay with me.