(I'm trying to catch up here--wish me luck.)
Charlie is three!!! What a guy! He had his birthday in January and was really excited for his special day. Since Anna and Max had both had birthday parties with friends this year, Charlie kept on talking about his birthday party. I was really happy when I found out who Charlie was planning on inviting to his party..."Grandma Judy, Grandpa Bob, Uncle Wesley, Georgia, Anna, and Max". Perfect. So we had family over for donuts and ice cream. Charlie is a donut lover and requested a donut cake, so we got him a big Texas donut from the Lehi Bakery. It was so awesome that Max and Anna declared they want a donut cake on their next birthdays too. I would be okay with that.
The next day we went up to Idaho Falls for a weekend with family and we had another little party with the Davises, so there was lots of birthday for Charlie, and he soaked it all up. He is such a sweet boy and is my buddy all the time these days.
Here are the things I want to remember about Charlie from this last year. . .
1. Charlie makes a really good three year old since he is as big as a good-sized four-year-old. I get asked all the time if Charlie and Max are twins because they are really close in height, (and about the same in weight).
2. Charlie likes to do everything at his own speed, which is usually not ever the speed of fast. After everyone else is done with breakfast and off playing, Charlie will still be at the table plugging away at eating his bowl of cereal. One of his favorite books says "Rabbits really rush, but turtles take their time." Charlie relates.
3. Charlie can do amazing somersaults.
4. Charlie's good buddy is his doggy Clifford.
5. Charlie is a wild sleeper--he is a sleep talker and a sleep laugher.
6. Charlie is a tease. This morning he came downstairs right after he woke up and when he saw me he said, "Hi! Have you seen someone called mom?" He really, really likes to be funny, and he really likes it when we are all silly together. He loves to wrestle and tickle and just be crazy.
7. Charlie loves animals. He loves snakes and dogs and worms and crocodiles.
8. Charlie loves to make cool stuff out of paper and tape and toothpicks and Popsicle sticks and string. He also likes to make forts out of chairs and blankets and pillows.
We love you Charlie!