

8 Year Old!

This girl is eight. (August 17th, so she's already pretty much got it down.) She got new roller blades for her birthday because she had already grown out of the ones she bought herself four months ago. She also got some pretty stellar presents from her brothers and sister, like a Magic 8 ball and panda bear earrings. To celebrate we had family over for cake and ice cream, and also went out to ice cream with Anna's good friend Alyssa.

What I want to remember about Anna from the past year....
  • She is so much fun to talk to--I'm so glad I have a girl to chat with!
  • She likes to tell me what she's thinking and surprises me with her profound thoughts about life. 
  • She is easy going, and I'm thankful for that over and over again when our family is going through changes or things get crazy.
  • She is funny and she works hard to be funny. She likes to laugh and make other people laugh.
  • She LOVES to tell stories and write stories.
  • She does a great job of helping me out in so many ways and has gotten especially good at helping Georgia and Charlie.
  • She helps take care of the chickens 
  • She makes delicious instant pudding and cheese quesadillas 
  • She loves her brothers and her sister and loved sharing a room with Georgia this past year.
  • She has been so anxious and excited to get baptized.
Happy Birthday Anna! We love you.