

The Big Four-Year-Old Dinosaur Party

Charlie turned four! To celebrate we went to the Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum with some of Charlie's friends. It was super fun and successful--no one cried and we kept track of everyone (our own one-year old being the trickiest). After the Dinosaur museum we made it home all excited for cake and ice cream and presents. Whew! and hurray! and happy birthday Charlie Robert! 

What I want to remember about Charlie--
  • Charlie is such a protective, awesome big brother and takes good care of Georgia. He walked with her to nursery every Sunday at church last year and she was happy to go with him.  
  • Charlie is a fun little brother and is game for most of the plans that Anna and Max make. He has some awesome plans of his own as well.
  • Charlie is a deep thinker and he has all kinds of theories about all kinds of things. 
  • Charlie could really still use a nap everyday but it just never happens, so he falls asleep at dinner pretty regularly. 
  • Charlie uses about six band-aids a day.
  • Charlie loves to be funny and he loves, loves, loves to tease.
  • Charlie loves to play outside. He is the last one to come in from playing in the snow. 
  • Charlie is doing Talking Time (speech therapy) this year. His teachers are Miss Jenn and Miss Michelle and he will do anything for either of them. I probably would too cause you know how you feel about people who just really make your kids feel awesome. You love them. I'm so thankful for so many of those people in our lives. Anyway, Charlie is working hard and speaking more clearly and looking forward to Talking Time every week. 
  • Charlie is loving his ABC's and preschool. 
  • Charlie talks and laughs in his sleep.