

I just came across these pictures of our kids with Casey before he left to serve a mission in Alaska. We also happen to have written letters for Casey for Christmas today and the kids made him some great pictures. Anna is seven and Max is six and during their little lives they have seen six aunts/uncles go on missions. That's some good experience drawing awesome pictures to send to the missionaries we love. That also calls for this...

Our missionary map. I am glad my kids have seen the sacrifices that their aunts and uncles have made and are making. They are seeing them live what they and we believe and that is such a good thing. Sometimes it's also a hard thing to miss these really fun people for 18months/2 years. The other day Max was playing a game on the iPad which is usually something he is super excited about, but I looked over and he was wiping tears away (while still trying to get the donut in the frog's mouth, of course) I asked him what was wrong and he said he missed Uncle Casey cause he is the best at that game. It's rough for a six-year-old to play Cut the Rope and miss his uncle and it's hard for uncles/aunts/brothers/sisters/sons/daughters to leave on missions and share what we believe. And I'm so glad that my kids can see that in our family we can do hard things, especially when we believe in what we are doing. We're thankful for our amazing aunts and uncles.