

Homestudy, Dossier, TIme Out

I keep wanting to write more about our adoption and then I keep not wanting to write more about our adoption. Not because it isn't one of my favorite things to talk about, but just because all of the decisions we've been making have been so based on feelings we've had and answers to prayers and it's all just really hard for me to recap on a blog. Maybe I also feel a little bit in the middle of it all and that makes it hard to sort of reflect on. Anyway I will write a little bit about what the physical process has been like up until now...

We've done a lot of work so far, and by work, I definitely mean paper work. We completed our home study and, looking back, that whole process was kind of a breeze. After all of our visits with our social worker were completed for our home study, we began gathering documents and completing paper work for our dossier. The dossier is all the paperwork that we submit to the country we are adopting from--Hong Kong. We had to get lots and lots of papers notarized and we weren't very organized about it. You get papers notarized at the bank I realized, for free (good news!). And it would have been nice for ourselves if we would have gotten everything ready and taken it all in on one day to get notarized all at one time. Instead we made several family outings out of it. Anyway, we have currently finished all of that paperwork (our dossier), and sent it in and we are now in the next steps which include waiting a lot. Our best estimate is that about a year from now we will get to travel, but it could be sooner than that, and it could be later than that. It's okay though, because sooner or later we are going to adopt this special little boy and it will be a miracle when it happens. By the way, we are so thankful for all the support and love we have felt from family and friends as we've shared our news. We are so blessed by the people in our lives.

Other things on my mind this week along with adoption...
I went to Time Out for Women this last weekend and itt was so much fun to go with some of my favorite women. I really being with them and I really loved sitting and taking notes from insightful speakers for hours. I never do that anymore. Taking notes is so much fun to me now that I don't do it everyday for hours like I did in college. Listening to great speakers is fun too. I told Charlie and Max where I was going on Friday before I left and Max was like, "Mom! Time out!? Why?" I explained that it's not the bad kind of time out, it's the good kind of time out, like in soccer, when you get a nice break from running fast. I think he was imagining that I was in some kind of big trouble. Anyway, I'm back from my time out and all ready to go.

(Our stealthy one-year-old)