Ultrasound at 12 weeks (7/7/09)
I think it is safe to say that we are expecting number 3! It is also safe to say that we are all very excited and ready now to celebrate, especially since I am officially feeling like I can touch, smell, and see food as well as brush my teeth again without any adverse reactions. And now that my amazing husband is officially not having to compensate for the time I spent feeling blah and getting very behind in things like laundry and cleaning toilets. Max officially has no clue what he is in for in January, and Anna officially is positive that we will name the baby Princess Aurora. (no gender has been determined as of yet).
I was so amazed when Max was born by how there was enough love in me for one more baby, even though I already adored Anna with all of my heart. It is my favorite miracle, and I already feel like I love this baby.