

Summer anxiety

What's happening here tonight is that I'm more than a little terrified of summer this year. I love my kids, and also I have not had them all home from school for more than a few days since Simon came home, and I'm scared. Tomorrow is like the first day of summer because they only go to school for an hour, which is strange. In preparation, I didn't come up with a way to celebrate the beginning of summer. I don't have a plan of how we will survive it. I didn't make chore charts or a summer bucket list. I did tell Anna and Max and Charlie that really smart people never get bored, because someone once said the same thing to me and then I never wanted to whine, "I'm bored" again for fear of appearing to be less than extremely intelligent. So that's pretty much the only thing I've done so far to get ready for summer. We'll see how it goes. Anna asked me if they had to get dressed in the summer and I said yes. Charlie asked me if we still had church in the summer and I said yes. So I guess we've also covered those areas of concern. Anyway, bring on summer. I am most definitely not ready.