

Birthday Boy!

Max turned 7! His birthday always feels a little hectic with Christmas a week away I feel like. Any advice on that one? He's a good sport about it, but I feel like I'm never quite sure how to make it feel more birthday and less Christmas, more happy and less merry/stressed out. One thing that was really fun this year is that he got a special birthday date with Taylor. They went to Provo Beach Resort which is pretty much the coolest place ever around these parts and they didn't come home all day. Max was in heaven with all the time with dad. He told me every detail of the entire five and a half hours they were gone on the bar stool in the kitchen. They had lots of fun. 

At night we had a birthday dinner of Mac and Cheese and opened presents. He was so excited about all his presents from his brothers and sisters and grandparents. I was so excited that he got another snap circuit toy from Grandma Sonja and Grandpa Kent, because snap circuits just make me happy and they make Max happy. Max got a skateboard from us and he has been practicing some cool moves like being able to stand on it. It's harder than it looks, he says, and I agree. 

Max is pretty much the sweetest seven-year-old you will ever meet. Here is a little about our seven-year old.
  • He currently wants to be a basketball player when he grows up
  • He loooovves Pokemon.
  • He can  beat me at chess.
  • He idolizes his Uncle Wesley, which is also why he loves Pokemon and can beat me at chess
  • I will miss his adorable smile when all his grown up teeth grow in. (Not that that won't also be adorable) 
  • He still gives the best hugs ever, if you like the kind that knock you over and kind of squish all your breath out. (I wonder where he gets that from....ahem, Taylor)
  • He can keep the whole weeks calendar in his brain and he does. There is obviously more space in his brain that there is in mine. 
  • He has done awesome with all the major changes in his little life these last few months--new house, new school, new brother. I've been so thankful for the way he takes things in stride. 
  • He is such a strong, determined, happy kid and I am honored to be his mother
Love you Max!