

Christmas and other December Days

1. Making rice crispy Christmas trees . . .

we were so proud of them!
2. Mom's contribution to snow playing. . . .while Dad was shoveling, we put colored water in our most useful ketchup and mustard bottles and then painted our snow and made it lovely (lovelier).

3. So we tried sledding out again after last year's one time down the hill. It was still pretty much a no go. Anna didn't like getting snow in her face or on her gloves or on her snow pants. Max didn't mind it up his nose, but kept trying to dive down the hill.

4. Opening jammies on Christmas Eve. . . .

was really exciting.

5. Mary and Joseph in our very abbreviated nativity . . .
Fairest Little Jesus Child,
Came to Earth so meek and mild.
Came to Earth to show the way,
Praise we sing on Christmas Day

6. Christmas morning! Taylor and I were pretty excited and were waiting on the couch upstairs at 7:15 for kids to wake up. Anna came running full speed out of her room with wide eyes looking for presents. We all woke Max up and then went downstairs. Santa brought Max a tool bench. They both got babies and Anna got the musical instruments she asked for--harmonica, maracas, and other loudness. We had lots of fun opening presents as slow or fast as we wanted to and playing a lot as we went along. It was a very merry, noisy, wonderful Christmas Day.